Anatoli Colicev

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University of St.Gallen
University of Liverpool Management School

Course location

University of St.Gallen

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University of Liverpool Management School
Anatoli is a Chair in Marketing, Strategy, and Analytics at the University of Liverpool School of Management. He serves as an Associate Editor at the International Journal of Research in Marketing and Journal of Retailing, as well as an editorial review board member of the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and the Journal of International Business Studies. He is the creator of the PhD Journey slides – material that is directed to help academics around the world. His research interests are driven by his passions, by the research puzzles, and quite often by the people around him. Earning a PhD in Decision Sciences and Statistics (ESSEC Business School), his collaborations include the fields of marketing, management, operations management, accounting, finance, and economics. His topics include NFTs, blockchain and Web3, social media marketing, marketing-finance interface, ESG, and strategic management. He works with empirical data and collaborates with companies such as Metro AG, YouGov Group, and Equileap. His work has appeared in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Strategic Management Journal, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Long Range Planning, Journal of Interactive Marketing, and others.

Courses taught by this instructor





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Workshop “The Ph.D. Journey”

This course is aimed at providing a helpful resource for PhD students and early career academics in business disciplines. The first part of the course discusses important aspects of Ph.D. research, such as obtaining secondary data, generating research ideas, and learning about research methodologies. The second part of the course is focused on the role of conferences and academic feedback and the intricacies of obtaining a PhD degree. The third part is fully dedicated to the ins and outs of the publication strategy, including obtaining a Revise and Resubmit in a top academic journal. The final part comprises possibly the most important elements of the journey, such as getting a first job and achieving a work-life balance. Overall, this course underlines the notion that each ach PhD journey is unique and customizable.



Workshop “The Ph.D. Journey”

This course is aimed at providing a helpful resource for PhD students and early career academics in business disciplines. The first part of the course discusses important aspects of Ph.D. research, such as obtaining secondary data, generating research ideas, and learning about research methodologies. The second part of the course is focused on the role of conferences and academic feedback and the intricacies of obtaining a PhD degree. The third part is fully dedicated to the ins and outs of the publication strategy, including obtaining a Revise and Resubmit in a top academic journal. The final part comprises possibly the most important elements of the journey, such as getting a first job and achieving a work-life balance. Overall, this course underlines the notion that each ach PhD journey is unique and customizable.
