See below for answers to several FAQs. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact GSERM directly.

We offer an application portal. At Apply now you will find all important information.

We offer an application portal. At Apply now you will find all important information.

No. For each main session, students must choose one class only as they are taught concurrently. However, the workshop lectures (only at GSERM St.Gallen) can be visited simultaneously as they are held at different times of the day.

GSERM will be held in English. In order to follow the lecturers you should have good knowledge of English. We do not require any written proof of language level, but count on the personal responsibility of our participants.

We book maximum 25 – 30 participants per class.

We book maximum 20 – 25 participants per class.

During GSERM you will have limited time to travel at weekends. Lectures and/or exams on Fridays will be finished at 5 pm latest. We offer social events and short trips during the week and at weekends. All cultural events are included in the admission fee.

Monday through Friday
Please note: the following schedule is NOT for online courses!

08.45 am – 09.15 pm Morning coffee
09.15 pm – 12:00 pm Morning class
01.30 pm – 03.00 pm Afternoon class

Please see the schedule for detailed Information for class hours and social events.

During GSERM you will have limited time to travel at weekends. Lectures and/or exams on Fridays will be finished at 5 pm latest. We offer social events and short trips during the week and at weekends. All cultural events are included in the admission fee.

Monday through Friday
Please note: the following schedule is NOT for online courses!

09.30 am – 12.15 pm Morning class
12.15 pm – 01:15 pm Lunch break (not organized)
01.15 pm – 03.00 pm Afternoon class

Please see the schedule for detailed Information for class hours and social events.

It is highly recommended to bring your personal laptop or any other mobile device along for any work during the lessons, homework and/or self-study purposes. Please be sure to carefully read the information on our courses in case of any software prerequisites are required.

All GSERM courses are on PhD level.

If you complete the programme and the exam successfully, you will be credited 4 ECTS credits and will get a transcript of University of St. Gallen. The transcript will be sent to your registration address about 10 weeks after the exam.

Your transcripts will contain the following:

  • Course name
  • HSG grade
  • ECTS grade
  • ECTS credits

No, the final exams are not compulsory. However, please note that you will not receive a grade if you do not sit for the exams. In most cases this will mean that you are ineligible for credits from your home university.

All participants who have a 80% attendance during the course week will receive a certificate of attendance electronically.

Payments are only accepted in Swiss Francs.

Universität St. Gallen
PostFinance, St. Gallen
IBAN: CH21 0900 0000 9000 0747 8

Reason for payment: Last Name_First Name_1019410

Cancellation by the participant

Fees will not be refunded if the participant interrupts the course or ends it prematurely.

These costs are as follows:

Cancellation up to 60 days before course start GSERM will retain CHF 100 to cover administrative expenses
Cancellation between 31 and 59 days before course start GSERM will retain 50 % of the costs (both for course and accommodation)
Cancellation 30 or fewer days before course start No refund will be made (both for course and accommodation)

University of St. Gallen does not provide any scholarships for the GSERM programme. Information about individual funding / scholarships can be found at Funding University of St.Gallen.
We also encourage prospective students to check with their local embassies and home universities to see if any supplemental funding might be available to them.

Each completed examination is graded according to a grading scale from 6.0 (excellent) to 1.0 (useless). Satisfactory results are awarded grades from 6.0 to 4.0 inclusive, while results graded 3.5 to 1.0 are insufficient.

The grading scale (HSG – ECTS Notenskala) in detail:

HSG Grade ECTS Grade
6.0 excellent A
5.5 very good B
5.0 good C
4.5 satisfactory D
4.0 marginal E
3.5 unsatisfactory F
3.0 poor
2.5 poor to very poor
2.0 very poor
1.5 very poor to useless
1.0 useless